Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Disposable Glove

Dear manufacturers of Disposable Gloves,

You keep the distance between I and Thou, and for that, I (heart) your product. You make it possible for a janitor to stick his hands in my mouth at the same time I might plunge mine into a public toilet. I am awed by the way you compress a ten foot pole into three mills thick.

Cheese Puff

Dear manufacturers of Cheese Puffs,

Here and there, I don't mind if I do. Sometimes it feels good to be bad, and so one out of one physicians of my soul agree, I (heart) your product. Beyond that, your orange fingerprints adorn our culture from the computer sciences to the velvet arts. We understand it's not easy being cheesy, and we lick our fingers to you.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Incandescent Light Bulb

Dear manufacturers of Incandescent Light Bulbs,

Even as we stand on the unenlightened eve of your product being banned like some cheap thug, I venerate, and I am firm: I (heart) your product. Its soft, warm glow is imbibed into the works of countless night owls and poets, who have found their good there. God loves man's lamp lights more than his own great stars. This single ray from Tagore's own lantern restores luster to your great enterprise.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Nuts and Bolts

Dear manufacturers of Nuts and Bolts,

I (heart) your product. I find them discarded in the gutter and I bethink myself what a spoiled age we live in to find such a marvel of form and function lying around like common refuse. It was the task of millennia to bring this wonder to the world, but only you could bring it to the table. I am come undone by the way you hold things together.

We live in the future

My friends, we live in the future. Or if we do not live squarely in the future then we at least live in a curious juxtaposition of The Future and the Dark Ages. Even so, let us be grateful. And as thankful heralds of The Future, we will be judged as true citizens of that age.

Now please join me in the many small thanks for those objects whose presence constitute nothing less than the holy imprint of the invisible hand of The Future on our time.