Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Garbage Bag

Dear manufacturers of Garbage Bags,

When I have various items which I no longer want or need, I need a handy place to store them until I can convince someone to take them, or until someone forces me to pay them to take my items. Your product gives me a handy solution to this irksome kind of storage and so I (heart) your product. Often I wonder what I would do if I purchased a box of your product and then decided I didn't need or want it anymore. But then I remember that I have your product to handily store the remaining box of your product, and I feel relieved.


  1. I heard on a radio show once that Americans spend more on trash bags than many nations spend on everything combined.

    I wonder if this stat was before or after the Costco megabox of megabags became the default purchasing option. I love me the Costco box of trash bags.

    And oh...the disposal systems we've come up with for diapers -- I heart them all.

  2. Word I had to type to get above post approved. Mokie.

  3. That is an interesting statistic.
